Saturday, August 31, 2019

Characteristics of a White Collar Criminal Essay

Anyone that has taken a class or even worked a â€Å"hint† of a white collar crimes understands that Edwin H. Sutherland is responsible for coining the term. In his book, White Collar Crime, Sutherland defines white collar crime as â€Å"[a]pproximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.† (Benson & Simpson, 2009 ) While that definition may have held true in when he made the public definition in 1939, there are many examples in modern times that would argue against Dr. Sutherland’s characterization of the white collar criminal. In her paper to the U.S. Justice Department, Cynthia Barnett explains that even though the definition of white collar crime is , â€Å"hotly contested†, there appears to be three major categories white collar crime fits into. Those crimes are categorized by either the type of offender, the type of offense and those based upon organizational structure rather than offender or offense (Barnett, 2000). Barnett’s statement alone should tell us that the characteristics of a white collar criminal may be far too long of a list to generate. According to Barnett, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has decided to define white collar crime as â€Å"[t]hose illegal acts which are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence. Individuals and organizations commit these acts to obtain money, property, or services; to avoid the payment or loss of money or services; or to secure personal or business advantage† (Barnett, 2000). With a slight understanding of what white collar crime is, it is important  to highlight the characteristics of the typical white collar offender in order to establish profile when conducting an investigation. Reverting to what we have learned in previous psychology classes, we know that there are dozens of traits in an individual’s personality. It is virtually impossible to narrow down exactly which one(s) produce fraudulent behavior. Obviously, there are red flags that stick out for every behavior trait. It is important for business executives to be able to recognize or have trained personnel who can recognize these traits and develop appropriate risk management plans. According to Bauwens and Egan, there are five personality traits that are common between most individuals. Rather than define them all, it is most important to note that people who possess all five traits are what many would consider as â€Å"normal†. Those who exhibit more conscientiousness and agreeableness have the most direct influence on whether executives will or will not participate in fraudulent activity (Bauwens & Egan). According to our text, there are other characteristics that the â€Å"common† white collar offender may exhibit. White collar offenders tend to be, on average, sum 10 years older than non-violent offenders who commit common crimes (Benson & Simpson, 2009). While there are probably many theories why this may be, one could conclude that business executives may spend many years working their way up the corporate ladder and into a position opportunity. Another characteristic Benson and Simpson note is that many white collar offenders are college graduates. Again, many theories are possible; it can be assumed that a higher level of education must be achieved in order to move into a position of opportunity. Finally, it is important to consider the rate of employment between white collar offenders and offenders of non-violent, common crimes. In order to commit many of the offenses that are considered white collar, the offender must be employed by or have an extremely close relationship of trust with the victim organization. Therefore, steady employment is a necessity in order for the white collar offender to be successful. For many of the non-violent common offenders, their crimes are their employment. It can be  said that when a common criminal wakes up each day and begins committing their crimes, they are actually going to work. References Barnett, C. U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division. (2000). The measurement of white-collar crime using uniform crime reporting (ucr) data. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from website: Bauwens, A., & Egan, V. (n.d.). Are white-collar criminals a homogeneous or hetrogeneous group?. Home Team Journal, 91-101. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from Benson, M., & Simpson, S. (2009). White-collar crime. (pp. 5-32). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Exploring the geological history Essay

Firstly we will explore the importance of the site of the town. Because St. Aubins has a town on the sea, it grew up on sites close to a natural harbour, which afforded shelter to the vessels that carried the seaborne trade, upon which the existence of the town depended. St. Aubin is a town of this last class; a glance at a map of Jersey will show that it and Gorey are the only accessible natural harbours which are completely sheltered from the strong westerly winds. St. Aubins is sheltered from the sea on all sides except from the South-East to South. It is widely believed that St. Aubins was once the capital of Jersey; but this can not be true because from the earliest times the Royal Court and the States have met in St. Helier. Also St. Aubin had no church until the 18th Century, and it would be very weird if the capital was left churchless.  Small vessels of the time, securely moored†¦could lie safely in all weathers. The want of depth of water, so detrimental to our town in these days, mattered then, when vessels where very small, and when men where not in such a hurry as they are now, and did not mind waiting patiently for a high tide. This naturally sheltered harbour must have been a resort for fisherman from the earliest time when our island was cut off from the continent. There can be no doubt that St. Aubins is the best natural port in the Island.  The salt and dried cod they brought home found a market in the Roman Catholic countries, where there was an especially large demand during Lent. The ships that carried the fish to these countries brought back cargoes of foreign produce, which in turn was distributed in Northern Europe in exchange for timber for ship-building, hemp for cordage, canvas for sales, pitch and other goods. So a lucrative trade grew up, and the town increased in wealth and importance. St. Helier too, though it had little trade or shiping, seems to have been slightly more populous than St. Aubins, even in it’s great days.  The two towns in fact lived on quite dissimilar lines, the townsmen of St. Helier lived upon the Court, with its lawyers and functionaries, and upon the country people who came into market and to do there business, while the inhabitants of St. Aubins lived upon there overseas trade, and especially upon the Newfoundland fishery. After this time the state of St. Aubin increased slowly but steadily for about one hundred years. Then the ship owners found it very profitable on account of the long wars with France, to fit out and arm vessels as privateers, and the profits earned where so high that this kind of trade grew rapidly until St. Aubins became the chief privateering port in the kingdom. The privateers were fast vessels, heavily armed with guns, and manned with large crews, needed both to work the ships and guns. The captains each carried a Royal Commission called a â€Å"letter of marque† authorising the capture of the ships and goods of the French. The letter of marque was an important document, as it was all that stood between the whole crew hanged as pirates if taken by an enemy man-of-war. No wages were paid to any of the hands but each received his share of the prizes taken.  In the early years of the last century, St. Aubins reached its high point of importance, but then began to fall off owing to the competition of the new port of St. Helier, which was rapidly increasing its harbour accommodation. Of the two largest St. Aubins merchants, the house of Robin moved to St. Helier, while the Janvrins ceased business. This was a serious blow to St. Aubins, so that by about 1850 its shipping had dwindled to small figures, while St. Heliers had increased until it was the sixth port of the whole British Empire. The peace after the Battle of Waterloo helped this result, as privateers became useless and the large St. Aubins capital sunk in them was so great extent lost.  An attempt to make this port for granite export failed, though for a time, the export of gravel brought many ships back to the port. The coming of the railway was a great event. A company formed in 1846 accomplished nothing. A new company in 1861 met with many difficulties; but at last the track was laid. In 1870, the first train was greeted with salvo cannon, and the dean read an eloquent prayer. Two hundred guests lunched in a marquee in the Noirmont grounds. And trains ran continually to bring the while Island to the fete and the fireworks. In 1899, this line was extended to Corbiere. But the advent of the motor bus eventually killed the trains, and in1935 they ceased running. Later, the four-mile track from St. Aubin to La Corbiere was transformed into one of the pleasantest walks on the Island. The Germans relayed the line when making their fortifications; but they have now been removed. The Chief legacy the Germans left to St. Aubin is the immense tunnel which they blasted into the side of the hill to hold their reserve ammunition.  On the 20th October 1941 Hitler declared that the Channel Islands would become an impregnable fortress. Thousands of foreign workers, mostly Spanish, French, Polish and Russian were being poured into the Island to assist in the building of bunkers, gun emplacements, tunnels and sea walls. They needed sand, granite chippings, cement, water and, of course, reinforcing metal. Transport of the first two presented a considerable problem and was largely responsible for the building of the railways. The metre gauge line from St. Helier to St. Aubin and Corbiere can be said to have started opposite commercial buildings, within a stone’s throw of the former J.R. & T Weighbridge terminus. From West Park to St. Aubins tunnel, the roadbed of the former J.R. & T was more or less followed. The line was single throughout except for an occasional crossing loop. A blast wall had already been built at the eastern end of the old J.R. & T tunnel at St. Aubin as a protection from the extensive galleries which were being excavated. The bore of the tunnel itself had been greatly increased and the galleries driven through solid rock, the area being second only to that of the much better known underground hospital, to which rather surprisingly no connecting railway was laid.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Islamic Political Economy in National Development

GMGF5324 POLITICAL ECONOMY ASSIGNMENT: ISLAMIC POLITICAL ECONOMY IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PREPARED FOR: DR. KAMARUDDIN ABDULSOMAD PREPARED BY: FATIN HANANI BINTI TARMIDZI 1. WHAT KIND OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT HE WAS MENTION? 2. WHAT APPROACH HE DISCUSS IN HIS TALK? 3. YOU COMMENTS? â€Å"The Economic Philosophy of National Development† is the title of what has been presented by Lt. Kol. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Chin. He had explained a lot of brilliant ideas on political, national development, mercantilism, Islamic thought and also Islamic political economic in order to develop the nation.First of all, what is economic philosophy that very important in order to achieving the national development? What is philosophy that he had explained in his talk and what kind of philosophy that had be the main key nowadays? According to Lt. Kol. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Chin, philosophy in general is philosophy is that branch of knowledge which relates to the concept of divinity. Besides that, with philosophy that we had use, we will endeavor to find the truth and achieve success. Al-Farabi (339H-950M) had explained that philosophy in the context of the love of wisdom or wisdom, and also become cord to every branch of science.In addition, al-Farabi also refers wisdom as makrifullah – a way to know God. Based on my understanding, philosophy is a reflexive question in the threefold sense: it is about philosophy, it is raised by philosophers themselves and, last but not least, it represents an old and difficult philosophical problem. This multiple reflexivity is the reason why trying to find out what philosophy is inevitably becomes not only a way of dealing with philosophy but actually the way of doing philosophy. Once we start discussing philosophy we cannot scape its intellectual grip. Then, he also mentions in his talk that the human needs are no limitation. Human will gain and earn everything that they want as long as they can achieve their mission, target and etc. S econdly, he had explained about national development that had been a main point in his talk. National development refers to the process of national development and to lead a sustainable level of repairs and improvement. National development is also very concerned about the economic development refers to the index per capita.If the index of per capita income at constant rate surpassed the national population growth rate, which means place of steady economic growth and the result is the development of the country. In his talk, he has focus on Islamic political economy in national development. He has explained about the dimension of Islamic development. In order to achieve national development in term of Islam, we need to focus on the three main points. There are dharuriyyat (essential goods), hajiyyat (comfortable), and kamaliat/tahsiniyyat (luxury needs). These three main points should base on syarie or Islamic law.Based on my understanding, we need to balance and equals developing t he nation based on Islamic law and also consider the citizen needs and interest. As a leader and elites itself, the welfare of the citizen very important includes the economis, social life, health care, education etc. Without the citizen especially middle class and workers who are the agents of society and ruling the institution or country, it may affect the country and the economic. It means without them especially the citizens itself; government cannot move and implement their policy.It also may affect the national development. Therefore, I can see how relate the concept of Islamic with national development. Without the relation or combination of national development in Islamic concept, there are many problems that country to solve. According to Lt. Kol. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Chin, specifically, an understanding of the economy is appropriate emphasis to the issue of how people use resources and factors of production to achieve well-being (welfare) life (falah) in this world and th e hereafter.Thus, there are seven core areas of the economy to complement the welfare of individuals, communities and nations. * Economic activity based on good intentions and purposes. * Reasonableness obligatory on Kifayah. * Business world without compromising herafter. * Avoid illegal transactions (haram) and syubhah. Last but not least, mercantilism is economic nationalism for the purpose of building a wealthy and powerful state. Adam Smith coined the term â€Å"mercantile system† to describe the system of political economy that sought to enrich the country by restraining imports and encouraging exports.The goal of these policies was, supposedly, to achieve a â€Å"favorable† balance of trade that would bring gold and silver into the country and also to maintain domestic employment. In contrast to the agricultural system of the physiocrats or the laissez-faire of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the mercantile system served the interests of merchants and producers such as the British East India Company, whose activities were protected or encouraged by the state.The basic proposition of Mercantilism is that the state should aim to maximize it's wealth through one-way trade with other countries, maximizing exports and keeping imports to a minimum. The developing countries are in debt due to letalknding policies with interest that they can't pay back, the developed countries export goods into these countries whilst making it very hard for the developing countries to export their own goods in return. The richer are getting richer and the poorer are getting poorer. This is what is happening now.This is mercantilism. My Comments In my opinion, Lt. Kol. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Chin has explain details about the Islamic perceptions on national development. He has explain base on Islamic concept that includes world and hereafter (akhirah). He also has described the Islamic concept and theory based on a few Islamic thinkers thought. For ins tance, the sustainability in the country should follow the Islamic concepts. Citizens have their own rights and freedom, and they also the people that increase the national economic and development.Hopefully, I can join this Inaugural Professional Talk again next time. A very brilliant and knowledgeable talk by a educated level like Prof. and Dr presented during that time and all the postgraduate candidates need to attend to gain knowledge and experience. Thank you to Dr Kamaruddin because give me a chance to attend that talk last week. Hopefully, I will grab the opportunity and keep it as my great moment attend the talk with very special conditions and environment. Being around lecturer makes me to be a lecturer or civil servants in future!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Student Freedoms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Student Freedoms - Assignment Example Student freedom is one of the most controversial issues that school officials are confronted with in the present day education system, according to Rossow and Stefkovich (2006). This has particularly been the came when it comes to deciding whether to search a student’s belonging or seize a property. Students have often cited the Forth Amendment of the U.S. constitution that bars school administrators from searching or seizing their property. The Fourth Amendment protects American citizens including students from unwarranted search and seizer (Bedden, 2006). However, there are exceptions to the Fourth Amendment where school administrators should carry a search or seize properties in public schools. The aim of this paper is to analyze the limits that should be placed upon search and seizer in public schools. Students’ freedom has been a controversial issue in the present day education system. Bedden (2006) attributes the controversy to the fact that the Fourth Amendment o f the U.S. constitution protects students from unreasonable search and seizer. Bedden argues that even though the Fourth Amendment protects the students’ privacy rights, it has opened an avenue of misbehaviors among students in public schools. According to education experts, students expect the right of privacy in their lockers and as such, lockers ought to be protected against unreasonable search. ... In addition, they are responsible for instilling discipline in students to ensure they grow up with high moral standards. However, this can only happen when problems are maintained at a minimum level at school, according to Bedden (2006). To ensure that students are disciplined, they must have the right to search or seize anything they believe infringes on the school policy or is likely to cause violence or crime. For example, when a student is reasonably suspected of possessing a gun or drugs in class, the law permits school administrators to conduct a search on the locker belonging to the suspected student. This is because some students might use the guns to shoot their fellow students or teachers. This was witnessed when a student shot at his fellow student in Ga school recently and the other witnessed in Atlanta school. Therefore, as much as the Fourth Amendment protects students from unreasonable search and seizer, the right is not protected when there is a reasonable suspicion or causes that a student posses dangerous weapons that are likely to be used in committing a crime. Therefore, before conducting a search on a student’s locker, teachers must ensure that there is a reasonable cause for doing so. This includes ensuring that there is reasonable cause to suspect a student of violating school policy or likely to commit a crime, suggests Palicz (2011). The school rules must also be reasonable and compatible with educational purposes. This implies that a random search without any justifiable cause will amount to an infringement of the privacy of a student, which is protected by the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The main case in support of this claim is found in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Joe dimaggio's life and significance in his era Research Paper

Joe dimaggio's life and significance in his era - Research Paper Example In 1936 DiMaggio joined New York Yankees and he played for them till 1951 (Anonymous. â€Å"Life Story†). Yankees managed to win nine championships by using the leadership and class of DiMaggio. He is the only player who was an important part of four world champion teams and eventually these were his first four fulltime seasons (Anonymous. â€Å"Life Story†). This is an incredible record in the history of North American sports. DiMaggio’s skills were incomparable and to honor his potentials he was chosen as the most valuable player of the American League. To his fans he was known as â€Å"Joltin’ Joe†. Broadcaster Arch McDonald used to call him ‘Yankee Clipper’ for his gracefulness in the ground. In his career DiMaggio scored 361 home runs. Furthermore there are 389 doubles and 131 triples under his name. There were almost 4529 put-outs that involved DiMaggio. In the year 1954, DiMaggio was given place in the ‘National Baseball Ha ll of Fame’ (Dennis Gaffney. â€Å"Joe DiMaggio†). Off the field DiMaggio was not as successful as he was inside the field. As a person he was known to be a shy individual. Dorothy Arnold (Oomph Girl) was his first wife, but their marriage crumbled after three years. He took retirement in 1951 and worked as a commentator, but unfortunately he was not liked very much. Then he worked as a coach as well as vice president of Oakland Athletics (Dennis Gaffney.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Healthcare Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Healthcare Programs - Essay Example TRICARE represents the healthcare program utilizing military healthcare systems as the main providers. This program is funded and supported through civilian providers and facilities, and includes provision of healthcare services to military personnel and their families of the USA, past or presently active. The introduction of tricare was primarily a strategy in the eighties and the nineties, in response to the increased healthcare costs in the USA, as well as the changes in the modernization trends. Tricare was perceived to be a feasible and economic way to save costs while improving access and choice to healthcare services. The development of TRICARE has expanded significantly, and has now come to be a part of 40% of the USA hospitals. Increasingly high numbers of healthcare personnel and providers now form a part of the TRICARE provision team. (Carrato, 2003) The effectiveness of Tricare is very evident if comparing to other healthcare systems such as CHAMPVA. The differences run from basic infrastructures of the plans. While TRICARE, formerly CHAMPUS, is a medical insurance program carried out by the department of defense, CHAMPVA is run through VA. The members differ with regards to their status as retired or non retired from military services, tricare being entertaining to the retired personnel. CHAMPVA restricts itself to those who are either 100% disabled personnel, or either dead. This does not to be so for tricare patients. CHAMPVA does not entertain veterans, which forms a large part of the tricare members. Also, CHAMPVA has rules about access and obtaining of prescriptions. The above mentioned differences help to understand some of the key differences that make tricare a much superior healthcare program over others. (Tricare for life, 2001) Tricare has many services at its disposal, which are both comprehensive as well as targeted in their approach to diseases. The triple option benefit in the system allows the enrollment of many people with a wide range of healthcare services. Now it has become active in the advanced medical areas of cancers, along with including age old programs of immunizations etc. The scope of tricare therefore is very vast, with much promise of improvement. Tricare gives these services through a range of programs, which include the Prime Preventive Services, the Pharmacy Program, and Dental Coverage etc. Tricare has proven its worth through its impressive reports of its performances. Perhaps the most demonstrative of Tricare's effectiveness is looking at the claims processing capacity and the speed with which these are carried out. Around 755 of the claims are addressed within 21 days of being placed, an impressive statement of the quality and the efficiency of Tricare. (Bailey, 1999) With the pr ojected increase of health costs by7.3% by the year 2011, Tricare's potential role in reducing these costs is highly promising. (Carrato, 2003) One of the proof that tricare has shown constant delivery with respect to healthcare is its successful maintenance of its enrollment fee. The active duty members have almost no costs for care, which is provided in the military settings. Pay for a service is very high

Eggettes Restaurant in San Francisco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Eggettes Restaurant in San Francisco - Essay Example Recommendations Operating in a competitive environment, Eggettes should adopt strategies that would make it more competitive. As such, the restaurant should include delivery services in its operations so as to compete with other similar restaurants like Waffle. Introduction of waiter services would also ensure that service in the restaurant becomes faster and efficient especially for the mixologist who has to get orders from customers and make them their desired drinks on top of other duties performed concurrently. Being an internet cafe, the management should make use of this capacity to automate its employee scheduling. Employees should be able to book their off days online and the store owner works on it. This would make this operation more effective and simpler for the store owner. Section I – Introduction Eggettes is an average class fast food restaurant in San Francisco, 3136 Noriega Street in the Outer Sunset neighborhood hence providing ample parking to its customers w hich is offered free in front of the restaurant. It serves different kinds of Chinese fast foods and desserts and beverages including tea and coffee. The restaurant operates between 11 am and 10 pm from Sunday to Thursday and 11 am to 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays. This internet cafe has the capacity and ability to handle group customers who could perhaps choose to have a biting in the restaurant as they hold their meetings. Though it does not offer delivery services, waiter service or allow for outdoor sitting, it has take-out services. The restaurant does not accept credit cards and does not allow for reservations (Eggettes 2009). But the restaurant offers various benefits to its... The study involved qualitative analysis of the desired employees’ attributes and the practice in scheduling employees. As such, qualitative data was collected through observation and engagement with the respective employees, particularly the mixologist and the store owner. These data were then analyzed and then conclusions and recommendations were made. This report makes a conclusion that waiter services would go a long way in ensuring high customer service levels are attained. The tasks that a mixologist for instance has to accomplish are too much and in as much as such workers are meant to ensure customer satisfaction, fatigue could hinder them from fully accomplishing this. Waiter services could considerably reduce the one minute standard waiting period for customers. It would even attract more customers who seek to be served. Caution should be taken however to ensure that the waiters and those preparing orders like the mixologist understand each other so as not to disappoint customers with serving below their expectations. Due to the availability of internet in the restaurant, the store owner should consider introducing a computerized duty scheduler. When an employee logs in and books a specific off duty date, the date automatically becomes unavailable to other employees. This should relay to the restaurant’s server and a ccessible to the store owner. It would thus be easier planning the monthly schedule of how employees would have their off duty days.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Analyzing Management Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing Management Strategies - Research Paper Example The model of management as guided by the theory of TQM supports process ownership in a manner that cultivates team work and eliminates any forms of hierarchies that impede the quality of work through bureaucratic challenges and structural disconnection of the processes within the organization. It is important to consider the fact that some of the issues that attend to the processes of TQM depend on the nature of management and the organizational structure of the firm. On this score, the organization must manage its internal processes in a manner that cultivates harmony across the various processes. A distinguishing aspect of TQM is that it is related to the aspect of information sharing and process regulation (Oakland, 2000). All the distinct components in the supply chain are usually involved in the process for the purpose of enhancing the nature of information sharing and process management. On this score, it becomes important to consider some of the issues that attend to the manag ement of process within the level of management. A key advantage of TQM theory over other theoretical frameworks is that it is basically customer-centered. It actively brings the customer within the processes of the organization in order to capture the rhythms and essence of the market from the perspective of customer preferences, trends on the market, and the general nature of the market. In usual cases, these processes are meant to attract and retain customers through the provision quality services that ensure the retention of the customer base and the maintenance of the market segment. In essence, the processes of management is tailored on the need to develop a process that supplies the basic essence of management in a manner that harmonizes operations across the various processes that relate to issues of management. The theory of Total Quality Management could apply to various processes that regard matters of managerial dynamisms. An example of the areas where such processes cou ld apply is in the food and beverages industry. Total Quality Management requires the harmonization of processes in a way that ensures quality delivery of services and the satisfaction of the customers. The food and beverages industry is usually associated with high levels of risk and losses. By applying the theories of TQM, it becomes possible to regulate the processes in the food and beverages industry in a manner that aligns well with the processes of production, supply, management, and marketing. Companies such as McDonalds and other PepsiCo Inc usually apply the processes of TQM for the purpose of achieving optimum production, high levels of quality, and customer satisfaction. The various integrated processes in TQM usually work in ways that propel organizations towards high levels of profitability and growth. Some of the challenges that attend to the application of the theory of total quality management is that the nature of organizations has undergone significant shifts in st ructures and processes. The advent of globalization, liberalization, and the developments in the information, communication, and technology sector has redefined the working environment in ways that affect the process of integration,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Counselor Interveiw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Counselor Interveiw - Essay Example The profession of talk show host in some way was related to his next profession because he thought about working on a crisis hotline. He thought that might be an interesting career. This is where he first recognized his passion for counseling and decided to make a career out of it. Jim mentioned that he had worked at many agencies and learned to totally appreciation Family and Community Services (F&C). He mentioned that if this was an individuals first job, they may not appreciate how good a job this one is; he did because he had so many jobs he did not like. In some of the agencies he worked at he was under a lot of stress because he was always trying to make quotas as part of the job. He likes F&C because it has such a relaxed atmosphere that he loves coming to work. At this agency they do not have to worry about quotas because they are a non-profit agency and rely more on grants than the number of patients that come through the door. He feels he is able to really focus on the clients now which is what he has always wanted to do. Jim gave me a small description of the various parts of his job. He does eerythign from paper work to working in the court system. He seemed proud of the fact that he is on a first name basis with the judges in Kent, OH. The F&C is responsible for a variety of programs. In addition to his other duties, Jim runs a 26 week Domestic Violence program for individuals who have committed domestic violence and have been sent through the court system. He also conducts a weekend Alcoholics Anonymous class for DUI offenders. His counseling duties take him into individual sessions with men and women who experience PTSD due to sexual assault. Jims agency also runs a homeless center for veterans and three community centers. In addition to Jim, the agency has three other counselors. There are group, couple, family and individual counseling for children, adolescents

Friday, August 23, 2019

Web-sources Of Information Of Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Web-sources Of Information Of Medicine - Essay Example Medscape Address: The website â€Å"Medscape† is very authoritative in its style. It presents diseases with the example of real life cases to help professionals understand the topic in great detail and develop their understanding. It primarily covers the management side of most diseases and ailments. It also provides the relevant research evidence as well as studies' evidence to increase the understanding of topics. There is a section on this website which introduces the opinion from experts in the field of medicine to present their views. The section in the left most column "specialty sites' offers detailed information on diseases and other sections of medicinal studies individually, diseases and issues which are part of the day to day practice of medicine. It covers almost 30 to 35 topics, starting from ‘Allergy and Clinical Immunology’ to ‘Nephrology’ and to ‘Women’s Health’. This site also provides expert’s opinion of different issues in medicine. The Patient Education Centre is an excellent source for patients to visit and learn brief technicalities of the disease they are suffering from, the symptoms, precautions and general management and cure. It also provides the link to Medscape journals and other clinical references which can be very helpful to people who want to further their search on certain topics. It covers the latest news from the field of medicine which is updated on daily basis to help visitors know about innovations and upcoming improvement in this field.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Civilization vs Savagery Essay Example for Free

Civilization vs Savagery Essay Civilization keeps a savage part of us locked down deep inside. If we become free from society and its rules, the savageness emerges. We found a quote that describes the conflict between civilization and savagery. It states, â€Å"Man†¦ is a tame or civilized animal; never the less, he requires proper instruction and a fortunate nature, and then all animals he becomes the most divine and most civilized; but if he be insufficiently or ill-educated he is the most savage of earthly creatures. † Civilization  The rules and organized meetings in the story are used to keep order and it is their own form of government. In society, we use rules and a government system to keep order. The boys created their own version of the rules to fit their surroundings. In a way, they adapted society to their new surroundings. The huts that were built were a constant reminder of the homes they had left behind along with all the rules within their homes. The boys were attached to society at the beginning of the novel and used these things to protect themselves from the harshness of the real world. At the beginning, the boys were all for creating rules and keeping order as the quote from page 42 of the novel shows, â€Å"We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. † The boys, especially Jack and Ralph were intending to instill the rules they followed at home at the island as well. On our poster, we used a picture of the Constitution to represent the rules of civilization. We also used the quote from page 42 in the novel shown above. We used these because we thought that the Constitution showed the basis of civilization and the quote showed the boys bond to it. Savagery: In the novel, there was a lot of savagery. The boys had killed the sow for the thrill and not for the meat. In real life, while people hunt, they do it so they can provide food for their friends and family. They are not obsessed with killing as these young boys in the novel are. Also, the boys in Jacks’ tribe used face paint. While this isn’t a direct relation to savagery, face paint allows a person to hide behind a mask of indifference. It is a way for people to overcome their fears and stay unemotional to the happenings of a war or even to just hide themselves. The boys use the paint to inflict fear in others and also use it as a way to lose themselves to indifference while killing. Jacks tribe had a way of thinking that Ralphs group did not. Jacks tribe mostly thought of themselves and had a sense of self preservation. They would do anything to survive including stealing the other boys’ fire. Another thing the boys did that clearly showed savagery was that they set the island aflame. In their search for Ralph, they lost all common sense and decided to burn Ralph out. They were destroying not only the island but also their only sources of food and shelter. In the novel, Jack is the first to succumb to savagery. The rest of the other boys slowly followed. We believe Jack gave in earlier because he didn’t necessarily care for the rules either way. He just did whatever he pleased. Ralph on the other hand had a father that was a Navy officer and was more exposed to rules and society. For this reason, Ralph never fully gave in. Ralph got his first taste of savagery during Simons killing, but afterwards he felt too guilty to ever do that again. Savagery grew on him once again in the last chapter when the boys were trying to burn him out. On our poster, we decided to use a picture of a war between Spanish soldiers and Native Americans to show savageness since the soldiers were savagely invading the Native Americans land. The quote we used comes from page 152 in the novel. It is from when Jacks tribe was about to kill the pig. It states, â€Å"Kill the beast, cut his throat, spill his blood. † The quote shows not only the boys’ primitive nature but also the savagery they are exposed to.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Images of Women in Film Essay Example for Free

The Images of Women in Film Essay The two films being evaluated in this essay are Now, Voyager and Pretty Woman. Both movies tackle the stories of one lead character, a woman and her transformation from one type of personality – usually the underdog into another which is more successful. This common formulaic plot of an â€Å"ugly duckling† evolving to become a beautiful swan has often been used as a storyboard for romantic films since viewers usually identify with the character who at first seems like the loser, but in the end becomes the victor. The image of Charlotte Vale at the beginning of the film is that of a typical old maid in conservative clothes, flat shoes, without make-up, with glasses, and without any social life. Her appearance is clean and neat but very much old school. From her entry at the initial part of the film, she is portrayed as shy, reserved, unhappy, overweight, unattractive and insecure. She is often ignored by everyone, and even mocked by some of her relatives. She also hates her mother so much but she is helpless and afraid and feels that she has nowhere to go. As the movie unfolds, Charlotte’s character is transformed into a more sophisticated, elegant, modern and glamorous personality, whom everyone adores and likes. Now, she has a well-coiffed hair, wears more revealing outfits, walks comfortably in high-heeled shoes, puts on make-up and smiles more frequently. She becomes cheerful, endearing, sweet and charming, and she loses her previous timidity and stiffness. With her transformation, Charlotte gains confidence in her self, and becomes more capable of facing other people, thus gaining more friends. When reprimanded by her mother for her new looks, she was no longer afraid to answer her back, which even she was surprised to learn. She already knows what direction she wants to take and the good thing is, she already knew how to get there. It is notable that at first, a lot of people were surprised with Charlotte’s transformation but because the change was a positive one which suited Charlotte, the makeover was delightfully accepted by almost everyone but Charlotte’s mother. At first, Charlotte’s mother insisted that she should go back into her old clothes and drab image. However, since Charlotte stood her ground and never relented to her mother’s dictates – that is, after her therapy and cruise Charlotte’s mother gradually learned to accept what Charlotte liked, denoting that she earned the respect of the one person she despised the most. On the contrary, the image of Vivian as portrayed by Julia Roberts is that of a regular hooker or prostitute – flashy colors, thigh high boots, a lot of exposed flesh, heavy make-up, a wig, and chewing gum while talking. The first impression upon seeing her is that she is really part of the flesh trade because of her loud attire which is also sexy, seductive and attention-grabbing all at the same time. Vivian’s character cannot afford to be shy because she has to offer her wares to her clients, and she has to show some skin and have the ability to bargain with her clients so that she can arrive at a good price for her services. Her image is far from conservative because of this film’s setting (1990) and the nature of her occupation. With Edward’s help, Vivian later on becomes more learned as he exposes her to the more acceptable social mores of the upper classes of society. Vivian evolves to become a better character where she becomes chic, classy, refined and graceful – a change which further endears her to Edward. The modification is also well-liked by the people around her as Edward somehow manages to bring out more of Vivian’s natural beauty which further enhances her amiable character. From Edward, to the hotel manager, to the elevator boy, to the hotel staff every one of them was glad to see the way Vivian was revolutionized from a cheaply dressed hooker to a charming, elegant and respectable lady. She now wears hats, matching shoes and bags, well-coordinated outfits, matching color combinations and just sufficient make-up. She also begins to converse more politely, and in a soft and calm manner. With the outward personality of Vivian getting altered, Vivian also acquires more confidence in herself and the way she mingles with people. It is also interesting to note that Vivian readily accepted the change initiated by Edward because the manner with which he approached her on the subject was very encouraging, being very gentle and soft-spoken. Towards the end of the story, the character of Vivian also decides to give up her previous job for a more decent alternative since she feels that she has become a different person and that at this point, she cannot turn back. As regards the body parts focused on by these two films, in Now Voyager, the legs and hands of Charlotte were focused in the first part of the film when she was still being introduced into the sequence. The specific scenes showed her hands putting out a cigarette on a small platter then throwing away the butts in a garbage can, then carving on her ivory treasure boxes, and then later on, fidgeting as her condition was being relayed to the psychiatrist. Her legs and feet were also focused on in the same sequences as she went down the stairs, and then stops at the lowest step, then hesitates because she hears something unfavorable being said about her. The character of Charlotte were in some way depicted in these sequences because it brought to mind a confused and insecure character who tried to rebel by smoking cigarettes, escaping reality by carving, but is insecure and uncertain of her actions as shown by her fidgeting and unsure steps. Similarly, the body parts focused on in the film Pretty Woman in the introductory part of the film is 4 hands which look like they are playing a game. It turns out to be a magic trick using coins, and the camera is slowly panned up to the face of the woman on the right, who looks amazed at the man who performed the magic trick. The next scene showing body parts is again focused on the hands – one white hand giving a packet with some white substance, presumably drugs, to the two hands of a black man. And then, the body part of Vivian that is first shown is the back side of her hips with lace underwear, where the woman turns from her left side to her right side while lying on a bed. Next, her chest is focused as she fixes her blouse, then her arms and hands as she puts on her bangles, while she is dressing up to get ready for work. Her hands are again shown while she colors the faded parts of her boots with a black marker, then her boots and her right hand as she zips up the boot on her left leg. Her left eye is focused with her right hand holding the mascara. By the time Vivian gets to meet Edward for the first time, focus is made on her backside at the waist portion as she turns her back on Edward while standing outside the car. All these body parts scenes in one way or another sets the tone for the movie since it tackles business as represented by the coins, drugs as related to the illegal businesses on Hollywood boulevard and the subject of sex as depicted by Vivian’s sensual attire in a nocturnal red-light district setting. The partial focusing on body parts gradually introduced the main character of Vivian, in much the same way that Charlotte was initiated into the first sequences of the earlier film. Relating the aspects of characterization to each film, the width of the character of Charlotte had to be rich in order for her to be able to adopt Tina into her family and be able to cope with not having Jerry in her life. Charlotte also had to be strong like her mother to be able to manage their businesses and their household without any emotional crutch to support her or push her up. As regards the depth of her character, Charlotte has the traits of creativity as shown in the way she creates carvings on her ivory boxes. She is also a deeply emotional person, who is terribly passionate when it comes to love, although she knows how to repress it if need be. This was highly evident during the time when she knew she already felt something for Jerry, but was in self-denial because she did not want to get into a complicated situation. This, however, was changed eventually when he admitted her feelings for Jerry, and allowed her feelings for him to flow freely. Another depth of character seen in Charlotte is her compassion for children, especially for those whom she knows are undergoing situations which she had already gone through. This Charlotte presents in the way which she cared for Tina at the mental institution, and during the time she gave a party for her at her house. Regarding characterization length, as mentioned earlier, Charlotte is given the chance to reinvent herself as if she were a different individual. At first, she is hesitant to leave her comfort zone and feels insecure about the changes taking place in her life. However, as she notices the affirmative reception of people pertaining to her transformation, she is encouraged to continue with what she has set out to do. With this, she improves her personality and grows further as an individual. The film’s mise-en-scene contributed in large part to emphasizing the three aspects of characterization. The width of Charlotte’s character is shown in the clothes she wears. Charlotte’s clothes or the character’s costumes are customary of the rich people, the settings are also typical of high class social backgrounds as shown by the large house, the cruise ship, the theater and parties among others. Depth of character is illustrated by the emotions carried by Bette Davis in her character portrayal, which made the story even more realistic. Length of character is exhibited by the change in the way Charlotte carries herself – which is amply supported by the clothes and again by the acting prowess of the lead character. Some foreshadowing is used to show the influences of Charlotte’s mom on her character. Since the film is still in black and white, emphasis on the lighting was not much utilized in this type of movie. The background music was amply exploited to elicit empathy for the main character especially in highly dramatic scenes between Charlotte and her lover. Conversely, the width of Vivian’s character required for her to be poor so that she could effectively portray her desperation to earn a living. Vivian had to be street-smart yet appealing at the same time since it was her body that she had to sell. She also had to be alone or without a family, in order to develop a rationale for her character’s focus on having an income as a hooker because she had no other choice and not because she liked the job. Likewise, Vivian’s depth of character is effectively portrayed as one who can easily psyche up people. In a brief encounter with Edward’s ‘friends’, Vivian gets to assess the type of people Edward socializes with and comes out with the conclusion that Edward needed to have her in his life because they (his friends) were shallow. â€Å"No wonder you came looking for me,† Vivian deduces of the situation. Much like Charlotte, Vivian also had a lot of passion inside her for her love interest although much of it was also repressed at first. Later on, she manifests this and makes this known to Edward, but still she knew how to temper her emotions since she recognized from the start that she and Edward were really poles apart. And then with regards to character length, the journey taken by Vivian is her adaptation to the ways of the elite, as prescribed by her love interest in the film. Vivian initially decides to take this on as part of her work, but later on she imbibes the more wholesome character which she assumes, and eventually gives up on the old character that she was. Vivian grows as a person because she welcomes the change and becomes a renewed person since as the film ends, she decides to leave behind her previous profession and start making a new path for herself. The mise-en-scene in Pretty Woman was likewise extensively manipulated in the film. The change in the character is immediately apparent as Vivian becomes accustomed to her new surroundings and much of the plot deals with how she gradually blends in to what is acceptable to that social group. The disparity in the setting of Hollywood boulevard compared to the areas where Edward frequents is accentuated to point out the gap between the two characters – Vivian the hooker and Edward the rich billionaire. Much of the character’s depth and length is carried by Julia Roberts who gives an excellent portrayal in this film. The lighting was good, there were no extremely dim or very bright scenes. It is interesting to note that most of the dim scenes were only found in the initial part when Vivian was still a hooker, and during the time she was still part of Hollywood boulevard. Later on, the dim scenes were mostly the love scenes between Edward and Vivian. The background music was also appropriate with the sentimental scenes having soft soothing and sentimental tunes, while those wherein Vivian made some achievements had more spirited and lively songs. In terms of aesthetics, the two films can be labeled as reflective of the image of the woman in the specified period when the films were made. Women in general had to dress up more conservatively in the olden times and a liberated stance was only introduced later on. As regards film artistry, Now Voyager! has a deeper and more disturbing plot because it deals with issues like family relationships, possible mental illness and forbidden love among others. On the other hand, Pretty Woman’s plot is simpler but is more engaging because it capitalizes on the elements of love and sex which was not much emphasized in the earlier film. Perhaps this is due to the highly conservative values predominant during the earlier times, hence, the most tender love scenes which could be shown between the main characters in the earlier film was limited to kissing. In comparing the two films, women are given more freedom of choice in the later film, unlike the earlier one when parents had the right to dictate the direction of their children’s lives. In both films, the theme of love still tugs at the heart and is timeless. Viewers in the present can identify with the main character in one way or another especially when it comes to the context of love and the relationship between two people. As a whole, the two films illustrate how the character of the woman has evolved from the conservative one of yesteryears to the smarter and more liberated woman that she is now. Still, the one thing that is universal and eternally holds true is the theme of love and the woman who has the boundless capability to wield this passion. References Wallis, H. B. Rapper, I. 1942. Now Voyager. United States: Warren Bros. Ziskin, L. Marshall, G. 1990. Pretty Woman. United States: Touchstone Pictures.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Development Needs in Human Resources

Development Needs in Human Resources Human resource management is defined as the operation within the organization, which has the main objective of recruitment, management and providing direction to the people, who work in the organization. It is an organization function that deals with the issues associated with employee of the organization i.e. performance management, administration of the resources, organizational development, safety, benefits, hiring labor force and providing training. It is also regarded as a necessary and global approach to manage people and workplace environment present in the organization. A good Human Resource management helps the company to improve its productivity and efficiency and also aids in achieving the goal and objectives of the organization. The main aim of HRM is to maximize the productivity and efficiency of the organization by effectively using the capabilities of the employees. (Human Resouce Management) Development Needs The following point emphasize on the development needs required by HR in a company for the expansion of the organization: The presence of curiosity in an individual is the reason for his regular development. It adapts him to react and learn by his internal and external work environments and shows the willingness of the individual to learn and enquire. The person should have the ability to analyze and understand the data and information effectively. And by his judgments is able to use the information, intuitions and knowledge in a sequential order to make reasonable and powerful decisions. The person should have the ability to influence in a difficult situation, to inherit necessary support, liability and consent from a wide range of different stakeholder to attain benefits for the organization. Set goals according to the capability of the person for achieving it. A skilled person would achieve a big task easily compared to a weakly trained one. Continuously plans, priorities and monitor performances to very that other are able to complete a specific task. It is the most significant ability of the HR manager to work co-operatively and effectively with the colleagues, clients, customers, stakeholders, teams and individual within and outside the organization. As a personal credible, a HR manager should keep a track of record of all the consistent and beneficial delivery using the respective technical knowledge and experience and do the job by taking honor in it and with an impartial attitude. A HR manager should be having courage and confidence to speak his thoughts even the circumstances are unfamiliar or faces resistance. The manager should be able to perform his duties even the circumstances are against him. The Hr manager should be a role model for the other employee, by leading them by example and performing his duties impartially, acting with integrity, independence and giving perfect judgments in the organization. (Behavoiur in HR profession) Three Options to Meet the Development Needs Strategy, Insight And Solution This professional area characterizes the use of deep understanding of the business activities and strategies and plans to execute them and the barriers which are not allowing them to perform with full efficiency, and understand the requirements of the customers and employees and having a unique insight that can maximize the performance of the business and transmission of strategies and solution of business. Manager should understand what is the structure of the organization and in which way teams can work together for achievement of companys objectives. And co-relates the data and statistics obtained and having the strategy of the organization and in-year operating plans. Reveals the quality of products or services the company provides and which are the target customers identifies the goal of the organization. Recognize the importance of the ten human resource professional areas and how they combine together to develop humans resource offering for the company. Management of time efficiently and reorganization of priorities .Puts light on how interpersonal skills and credibility is important in developing confidence among the human resources which includes the manager and the employees of the organization. The objective of the HR manager should be understanding the external factors in which the organization operates and the find the factor which can be responsible to bring about change. What potential impact on business can be brought down by changing the environment of the organization and should be favoring a leadership team to explain the response from the employee or the consumers. Identify the stakeholders which are involved in the project which is leaded by you. When the support or assistance from the colleague or senior staff, search for some common grounds. Leading And Managing The Human Resource Function This profession area describes the purpose of HR function that is to lead and manage the organization by having the operational excellence and a deep knowledge of organizational requirement. HR manager has to ensure that the function is capable and has the capacity, and organization design, and the HR employee are deeply engaged and working collaboratively and attains a thorough knowledge of the organization for enlarging the profits of the organization. The HR manager should focus on accomplishment and error less delivery of the task given, and it skillful advice is expected regarding to the human resource strategy and operating plans in the organization. Human resource functions organization design programs should be effectively delivered. Should give stress on effective delivery of resources and management programs prevailing. Monitor the results obtained by performance indicator which measures effectiveness of resource and talent management programs. The skill and the information that is required in this professional area are the capability to build an HR, team activity planning and method to implement it and knowledge of HR budget management. Keep a record of progress attained in all objectives. Query about how your objective is suited with teams or organization objective Employee Relation In this professional area the HR manager has to ensure that the relationship between the staff and the organization is managed properly by an honest and clear framework established by practices and policies of the organization and subsequently by appropriate employment laws. The entire employee related policies and practices should be well informed to the employees. The relation advisors and managers leading the resolute of employee relation issues must be provided with the exact and timely information. Achieving the consensus legally and ethically by managing and facilitating the potential conflicts situation is necessary. Give a helping hand to human resource and managers who are resolving and investigating employee relation issues, such as grievances and disciplinary, and also keeping the appropriate record of the occurrence of the event. They should collect informal and formal feedback from the employees on employee relations, such as communication among the employee, team work, transfer of knowledge and skills. The knowledge required for this professional area is knowledge about the formation of trade union , how are they formed and what are their objectives, hardship related to the employee and disciplinary rules and maintain the health and safety of the employees and the environment they are working in. be accustomed to meet the customer on regular basis so that they should feel free to contact you for any problem they face and so that you able to contact the person for any essential information that is required. Become familiar to HR models with the help of case studies and business literature available. Make sure that your main objectives are attached to the criteria mentioned in the service-level. (Professional Areas) Advantages Of These Option Support and assistance from the senior staff or priors to develop better strategies and plan. Team activity planning Help to provide a better solution through discussion to the problem w.r.t Strategy, Insight and Solution function. Interacting with other Employees in organization helps in developing good relation w.r.t Employee Relation function Helps in the effective use of resources available in the organization w.r.t Leading and managing the human resource function Training and Coaching Develop skills and knowledge, sharpens the mind of employee to plan sophisticated strategies with respect to Strategy, Insight and Solution function. Interaction occurs during the classes and gets to help each other in difficult situation which inculcates good relation among the employees with respect to Employee Relation function. It helps to develop leadership skills and operational excellence with respect to Leading and managing the human resource function Disadvantages Of These Option Besides having advantages these procedures can have several disadvantages which are listed below: Team Activity Planning People may disagree with their ideas to solve the problem which will thus result in poor solution of the problem with respect to Strategy, Insight and Solution function. Conflict can occur due to lack of communication with respect to Employee Relation function. Teams made should have appropriate skillful employees with a common understanding among themselves, if not; it would be unfruitful with respect to Leading and managing the human resource function. Training and Coaching Training would be based on particular stream which could help to develop strategies and would be wastage of money with respect to Strategy, Insight and Solution function. People might have a feeling of incompetency to other employees with respect to Employee Relation function. Would not be able to develop managing qualities as they are self possessed with respect to Leading and managing the human resource function. Development Plan What do I want/need to learn? What will I do to achieve this? What resources or support will I need? What will my success criteria be? Target dates for review and completion Structure of the organization Deep knowledge about the companys strategies and solution. Accessibility to human resource Operational excellence 5 10 days Inspirational leadership Knowledge about the organizational requirement Support from the other employees and colleagues regarding the task Collaborative Working and deeply engaged in performing the task 10-15 days Strategy development and motivator to other employees Capability to build HR, team activity planning Access to business literature and case studies Function has the capacity and organizational design 5-10 day Manage and facilitates conflict situations Formation of trade unions development of the honest and clear framework of the organization Policies and practices prevailing in the organization and information by employee relation advisers. Maintain the health and safety of the employee further helps in satisfaction of the employees and greater work productivity.

Government Surveillance vs Personal Privacy Essay -- Costs of NSA Surv

Today, individuals are sacrificing privacy in order to feel safe. These sacrifices have made a significant impact on the current meaning of privacy, but may have greater consequences in the future. According to Debbie Kasper in her journal, â€Å"The Evolution (Or Devolution) of Privacy,† privacy is a struggling dilemma in America. Kasper asks, â€Å"If it is gone, when did it disappear, and why?†(Kasper 69). Our past generation has experienced the baby boom, and the world today is witnessing a technological boom. Technology is growing at an exponential rate, thus making information easier to access and share than ever before. The rapid diminishing of privacy is leaving Americans desperate for change. Privacy allows an individual the power of seclusion in order to shut anything in particular out. In today’s society the term privacy has generated several different interpretations. Thus creating a large grey area as well as numerous debates as to whether or not privacy has been violated. According to Kasper, â€Å"If privacy is to be understood, it must be examined from the inside, that is, from the standpoint of the experience of its invasion† (Kasper 75). Privacy is a very broad term today due to many fairly new meanings. In order to truly understand the real meaning of privacy it must be examined at a deeper depth; That is, to understand the victim of the invasion and the consequences in which he or she has suffered. This grey area of privacy has expanded even further as of result of the technological era that is currently growing larger. Privacy was previously only understood dealing with humans’ body and physical interactions. Not too long ago social networking and the Internet did not exist making it extremely difficult for indi... ...xford: Oxford University Press, Inc. 2011. Print. Kasper, Debbie. â€Å"The Evolution (Or Devolution) of Privacy.† Springer Vol. 20, No. 1 (2005): 69-92. Web. 22 Sept. 2015. Kaufman, Brett. â€Å"ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging NSA’s Patriot Act Phone Surveillance.† ACLU, 11 June. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. â€Å"The Government Is Spying on Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways.† Word Press, 23 Sept. 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2015. Whitehead, John and Steven Aden. â€Å"Forfeiting â€Å"Enduring Freedom† for â€Å"Homeland Security†: A Constitutional Analysis of the USA Patriot Act and the Justice Department’s Anti-Terrorism Initiatives.† American University Law Review Vol. 51, No. 6 (June 2002): 1081-1133. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Journey Of The Magi Essay -- essays research papers

T.S. Eliot’s Journey of the Magi This Christmas poem is about the Epiphany and was created the very year of Eliot’s conversion to Christianity (Fleisner, 66). Therefore the theme of religion is an important one if we are to analyse the poem correctly. In the book of Ephesians in the Bible, Paul describes the rebirth of the world upon Christ’s death, emphasising the Ephesians’ new life (2:4-5). This theme of death and rebirth is present in the poem Journey of the Magi, which, I will argue, is structurally and internally divided into three stages; corresponding to the Sacrament of Penance: contrition (guilt), confession and satisfaction. To understand this poem, one has to understand the impact that Christ had on the World. At the time of his birth, however, the known world was not stable; people worshipped many gods, and we get a full description of the way life was by the Magus who narrates his story of their journey to Bethlehem to witness the end of an era and the birth of a new one. According to the Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, "contrition is a penitent’s spiritual sorrow for the sins he has committed, and it necessarily includes hatred for such sins, as well as the determination to avoid them in the future." In the first stanza, this "spiritual sorrow" is apparent by the contrast Eliot uses, of the Magi’s difficult journey. In fact, the central focus of criticism has been on the journey; the "cold coming" (line 1) during "the worst time of the year" (line 2), emphasising the climatic statement of the stanza: "A hard time we had of it" (line 16). The Magus talks of their sorrowful past life of ease, the times they "regretted†¦the silken girls bringing sherbet" (lines 8-10), and in the same way that they are ‘physically’ moving towards Christ, they feel they are progressing spiritually, putting a personal ban on the sinful lives they have had. This act of contrition see ms genuine because they are pressured by the "voices singing in [their] ears, saying/ That this was all folly" (lines 19-20). These are the voices of the camel men, the hostile cities and the unfriendly towns, voices that tempt the wise men to cease their foolish journey and fall, once again, into spiritual degeneration. In the end, the difficulty of the jour... ...sinful ways; and, second, that the Magi no longer blend with their people, who are now alien to them, "†¦clutching their gods." The final sentence also multiplies in meaning, reiterating the theme of the poem that the search for perfection is a process only ending in death. On one level, the speaker wishes for his own death in order to end this tiring process. On another, higher level, the speaker wishes for the death of Christ, for, ultimately, it is in Christ’s death that true satisfaction can occur. Eliot also emphasises the speaker’s doubt over the Death and Rebirth in the poem, using "should," which suggests both that he indeed "wants" another death in order to bring about spiritual renewal and that he "ought" to be happy with another death, but is not certain that he would be happy after his experience with the first death. To conclude, the poem Journey of the Magi, touches on the journey of human spirit and their endeavour for perfection. It delivers a message: that we are all involved in the process of perfection of self, and sombrely, one can only reach this place of utter satisfaction through death.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of Stories of Ghost Sightings :: Urban Legends Ghost Story

Ghost Stories The storyteller is 19 years old and attends Chesapeake College, and is transferring this fall to Salisbury University to become a nurse. Her mother works at a local Baptist church as a secretary/receptionist and her father is a mechanic, but will soon be retired. [The storyteller claims to have seen] these ghosts, and the story she told is about what they look like, their actions, their backgrounds, and how it has affected her. She told me four mini-stories: one about a young girl, one about a young boy, one about a middle-aged man, and one about an elderly man. The first ghost [story is] about was a little girl that always appeared on her way home at night: Ok, well there is this little girl that stands in the middle of the road usually near those two farm houses on the way to my house. She is a black girl, probably like 7 or so, and she always stands in the road at night. And sometimes if there is a car in front of me, they hit her†¦but I always try to move so I don’t hit her, or I try to move. I know you think I’m making all this up, but I’m not. I wish I was making it up. Anyway, she might be there in the daytime too but I usually only see her, well spirits in general, at night. I’m not sure why she is there, but I think she was hit by a car a long time ago and just can’t leave. She was walking along the road and got hit and now she can’t leave the road. I see her every time it’s dark and I’m driving home. Sometimes she is standing in the middle of the road and sometimes I see her walking out into the middle of it. I’ve never hit her though, I try to swerve out of th e way ‘cause she freaks me out†¦or I tell her to get out of the way and she will walk across. Or disappear. Yeah, she’s probably second on the list of freak-me-out ghosts. As [the storyteller] was telling this story, her voice was a little shaky, and she was talking somewhat fast, as if she didn’t like talking about it or it scared her. She used her hands a lot, either to help describe her story better or because she was simply nervous or scared. After asking her which ghost she finds scariest or creepiest, [the storyteller told] me this next story about a frightening little boy, whom she has only seen one time:

Saturday, August 17, 2019

ICD-10-CM Essay

The Changes between ICD-9 and ICD-10 code sets. Differences between ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS code sets. How ICD-10 coding could affect patient encounters. How the transition will affect departments. Regulatory requirements. Quality Improvement. Clinical Documentation Improvement. The challenges and barriers of ICD-10-CM/PCS coding transitions. Create a checklist for the staff. The font or typeface I will use or script-like fonts around 14, in bold those typically work better as heading fonts rather than body text and 12 for the body. I use of visuals communication would help me effectively deliver my message on the important issues with documentation and with the pictures and graphs, showing gains and loss of loss revenue would help them understand what is required for compliance and increase revenue. I will also show the standard required to be in compliances with The Joint Commission rule and regulations. The reason for my choice for training materials because is easiest way too explained and train the staff with all the new changes. These training sessions will be workshops and departmental in-services with custom design to fit each service needs. My training or transition would start with and introduction to explained in detail the new system of ICD-10 The ICD-10 Transition The ICD-9 code sets used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient Procedures will be replaced by ICD-10 code sets. This fact sheet provides background on the ICD-10 transition, general guidance on how to prepare for it, and resources for more information. About ICD-10 ICD-10-CM/PCS International Classifications of Diseases, 10th Edition, and Clinical Modification Procedure Coding System consist of two parts. 1. ICD-10-CM for diagnosis coding outpatient 2. ICD-10-PCS for inpatient procedure coding. ICD-10-CM for use in all U.S. health care settings. Diagnosis Coding under ICD-10-CM uses 3 to 7 digits instead of the 3 to 5 digits used with ICD-9-CM, but the format of the code sets is similar. ICD-10-PCS is for use in U.S. inpatient hospital settings only. ICD-10Â ¬ PCS uses 7 alphanumeric digits instead of the 3 or 4 numeric digits used under ICD-9-CM procedure coding. Coding under ICD-10-PCS is much more specific and substantially different from ICD-9-CM procedures coding. The transition to ICD-10 is occurring because ICD-9 produces limited data about patients’ medical conditions and hospital inpatient procedures. ICD-9 is 30 years old, has outdated terms, and is inconsistent with current medical practice. Also, the structure of ICD-9 limits the number of new codes that can be created, and many ICD-9 categories are full. This New Patient Summary table demonstrates the required levels of the 3 key components for E&M code selection: History, Exam, and Medical Decision Making; elements must be met in all 3. This New Patient Summary table demonstrates the required levels of the 3 key components for E&M code selection: History, Exam, and Medical Decision Making; elements must be met in all 3. Next I would add a example of E&M codes with procedure and continue through the most common outpatient services and I would start with the inpatient process. I hope with the review and and example and other training aids the medical staff would understand that it more important than ever with the documentation and explained in different scenario how it could affect you and patient legally and medically, when treatment is not documented. Using visual most times it help, just not just having a boring training where you know no ones is paying attention. I will use other visual aids and charts on a few different power points. Since it so much information to take in I will do a basis summary of the changes. In Addition I will complete on training aids using what the Department of Veterans Affairs adding some of my material making it more customize for our Medical Center breaking it up so the staff wouldn’t get overwhelm. Iexplain and show them that structurally, ICD-9-CM is running out of room to add new codes. New diagnosis codes are submitted by medical societies, quality monitoring organizations and others annually. ICD-10-CM will allow not only for more codes but also for greater specificity and thus better epidemiological tracking, analysis of disease patterns and treatment outcomes, supports quality measurement efforts, and leads to accurate reimbursement and supports waste, fraud and abuse initiatives. Health Information Management(HIM) my department will have assessment each of coding staff they will be the first to complete the training along with the doctors. The doctors training will be more on documentation. The doctors will need to document to the level of ICD-10 allows for very specific code assignment when provider done. The coders will train more on how to select the correct codes. My finial decision will be the following steps 1.ICD-10 Training ICD 2.ICD-10-CM Anatomy and Pathophysiology 3.ICD-10 Proficiency Assessment 4.ICD-10 Documentation Training for Physicians (detailed) 5.Implementation ICD-10-CM My Duties As The Medical Records Administration Management ability to delegate authority, evaluate and oversee people and programs, recognize and adapt to changing priorities; and Knowledge of the interrelationships and interdependencies among various medical and administrative services and programs. Teaching or instructing in an adult education program, secondary school, college, military installation, or industrial establishment in the appropriate field(s). Supervising or administering a training program. Development or review of training/course materials, aids, devices, etc., and evaluation of training results. Work in the occupation or subject matter field of the position to be filled that required training or instructing others on a regular basis. Regulations and standards of various regulatory and credentialing groups; and Government-wide, agency, and facility systems and requirements in various administrative areas such as budget, personnel, and procurement. Planning, developing, and directing a medical records program for a health care facility that meets both institutional goals and standards of accrediting agencies. Evaluating and analyzing the organization and operation of medical records services, including medical records and indexes, and recommending and/or implementing appropriate revisions and modifications. Assisting medical and administrative staff in evaluating the quality and appropriateness of patient and health care services. Designing information systems to collect, analyze, monitor, report, and maintain privacy and confidentiality of patient and institutional data for health care related programs, and evaluating and implementing changes to assure the reliability of data. Developing and implementing policies and procedures for processing legal medical documents and insurance and correspondence requests in accordance with Federal, State, and local statu Refernce Search Ask Pictures Search Ask celabration Department of Veterans Affairs

Friday, August 16, 2019

Caribbean studies IA Essay

For much too long Trinidad has been a home to appalling murder rates, gang violence and mass illicit drug and weapon trading. These unlawful activities were starting to take a toll on the country’s economy, international reputation and law abiding citizens. During mid August 2011, the county lost seven persons in the space of 24 hours to murder, driving the murder toll to 263.These allegedly gang related homicides persuaded Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar to declare a limited state of emergency in the country with an accompanying curfew of 9pm – 5am in designated â€Å"hot spots† for fifteen days on the 21st August, 2011. The state of emergency was further extended until 5th December, 2011. The recent state of emergency in Trinidad (August 21st 2011- 5th December 2011) was chosen in relevance to Caribbean Studies because it was one of the most recent events that had a serious impact on the lives of the citizens. The financial and cultural inconveniences faced by my family during this state of emergency persuaded me to study this event. The researcher is under the opinion that the state of emergency was the government’s â€Å"quick fix† for the crime situation which had no long term worth to the country. It is intriguing that as soon as the curfew was lifted, criminal activities continued whilst the state of emergency continued. This implied that the cultural and financial inconveniences associated with the state of emergency had no value if crime were to continue as normal prior to the state of emergency. The purpose of this study is to access the practicality of state of emergency 2011 to the citizens of Trinidad and the criminal future of the county. This study conducted locally is an attempt to compare the experiences and views of a small cross- section of local businessmen and women with what is reported by economic experts and government officials in the local reports. Educational Value For this study, the researcher hopes to raise awareness on the effects of state of emergencies on the general public and to help others to critically assess other decisions made by their government and determine whether or not they are profitable to them on an individual and societal basis. These evaluations would make for a better educated, developed society. Also, the researcher hopes this study would be helpful to future students conducting research on a similar topic. Problem Statement Was the state of emergency 21st August, 2011- 5th December, 2011 beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad? Research Questions (1)How did the state of emergency impact on the culture of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago? (2)How did the state of emergency impact on the small local businesses of Trinidad and Tobago? (3) How successful was the state of emergency in its efforts to crack down on crime? Delimitations The questionnaires were given only to persons who owned small businesses in order to research the impact of the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th, 2011) on small businesses as well as culture and crime. Also, for the purpose of investigating at the immediate effect of the state of emergency on crime, criminal statistics from February 2011 and February 2012 were compared. Definition of Terms Illegal- forbidden by law. Narcotics- any of a class of substances that blunt the senses. Culture- the ways of life of a people within a society. Homicide- the killing of a human being by another. Legislation- Law enacted by a legislative body Act- A formal decision, law, or the like, by a legislature, ruler, court, or other authority. Curfew- an order establishing a specific time in the evening after which specific regulations apply, especially that no civilians or other specified group of unauthorized persons may be outdoors or that spaces of public assembly must be closed. Economy- the management of the resources of a country. Ammunition- the material fired, scattered, dropped, or denoted from any weapon. Tribunal- court of justice. State of Emergency- a governmental declaration that may suspend some normal functions of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, alert citizens to change their normal behaviours, or order government agencies to implement emergency preparedness plans. Government- the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community LITERATURE REVIEW The state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th 2011) was a decision made by the government to halt the spike in gang activity and crime in general in the shortest time possible. However, continuous complaints of regular citizens led investigators to believe that the state of emergency had no noteworthy effect on crime whilst disrupting the natural flow of small businesses and person’s everyday lives. At first the state of emergency had astonishing results, where on September 5th 2011 a reported 1, 356 alleged criminals had been detained, 33 guns and more than 1,700 rounds of ammunition were seized. Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar declared the state of emergency a success and opted to extend the event until December 5th 2011. However, no detainees had yet been brought before the three-member tribunal established by the Chief Justice Ivor Archie to review their cases (Richards, P. (2011, September 5th) Trinidad: State of emergency in more ways than one. Global Issues. By 5th December, 2011 a total of 8,118 alleged criminals were arrested, 400 of which were under the Anti- Gang regulations. Since then, all the men arrested under that Anti-Gang Act were freed. During the state of emergency 45 homicides had been recorded, 15 of which occurred after the lifting of the curfew. (Alli, J. (2011, December 5th) State of Emergency Ends. C. News. To date, the TTPS (Trinidad and Tobago Police Service) boasts that the state of emergency has allowed them to gather crucial intelligence. (Alli, J, 2011, December 5th). According to the Police Service Serious Crime Statistics, the murder rate has seen a slight decrease from 72 murders in February 2011 to 67 murders in February 2012 whilst there has been even greater success in the narcotics trade with only 56 cases being reported by February 2012 compared to the 69 cases by February 2011. However, the state of emergency seems to have had no effect on â€Å"smaller† crimes such as robberies which have increased by 11% since 2011. (Bhagan, K. (2012) Policed Service Serious Crime Statistics. Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago The state of emergency also brought with it some short- term and long term consequences for local businesses with its imposed curfew negatively impacting the entertainment industry. According to economist Indera Sagewan- Alli the extended curfew would â€Å"†¦. damage economic growth and the country’s prospects for growth this year†¦. It will bite into small businesses, restaurants, nightclubs, factories and even hurt Christmas sales†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She went on to say that once a country is under state of emergency, that in itself is a disincentive to foreign investors who will not be inclined to choose Trinidad until the state of emergency is lifted and local investors will follow the trend. During the state of emergency, business in the service industry had felt a significant bite in their revenues, restaurants and nightclubs for example lost approximately 90% of their revenue. The negative impacts on the service industry were to be mainly blamed on the curfew with the state of emergency and once the curfew was lifted, businesses were given a chance to revive themselves. (Bridglal, C. (2011, September 6th) State of Emergency Damaging to the Economy. Trinidad Express Newspapers On the other hand, according to the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ewart Williams â€Å"†¦. If the state of emergency succeeds in significantly reducing the rule of crime then, it should, in the long term, help the business climate. That is what we are hoping for†¦ The big issue is the extent to which the cost you pay is compensated by the benefits that you get down the road and it is only time will tell†¦ potential investors will adopt a wait and see approach on the way forward for business with this country.† (Bridglal, C.) The state of emergency’s success with regards to the local businesses cannot yet be determined until a substantial decrease in crime is seen, in the mean while local businesses especially those involved in night life are still recovering from the mass loss in revenue during the event. A major disruption in the everyday lives of the citizens also accompanied the state of emergency. This interference however was to be totally blamed on the curfew which had both positive and negative effects. According to Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar’s state of emergency address the curfew would have had a positive effect in promoting family life and in the future, make families feel safer in their own homes. This promotion in family life might have had an impact on the value systems of the people, in turn changing their habits and thus, changing the culture of the people for the better. (Alli, J. (2011, August 21st) Breaking news: State of emergency declared. Trinidad Express Newspapers. The state of emergency in Trinidad only lasted for 104 days and so would not have had a permanent impact on the cultural celebrations of the people such as Divali and Eid- Ul- Fitr. The present study is located within this body of both Caribbean and International data and presents survey data on the impacts of the state of emergency on an individual basis to the citizens of Trinidad. It adds to the growing body of work on the success of the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th, 2011), as few studies have yet been undertaken specifically on this topic. While survey data provides only a ‘snapshot’, this study could be extended by researchers in the future to obtain more in- depth perspectives. The quantitative data acquired from the total of twenty five respondents determined the beneficial and non- beneficial effects felt by the citizens of Trinidad during the recent state of emergency 21st August- 5th December 2011. According to FIGURE 1.0 a high percentage of the respondents (70%) stated that the state of emergency affected their cultural celebrations whilst only 30% of the interviewed said that the state of emergency had no impact on their cultural celebrations. The common cultural celebrations affected were Divali (25%), Eid- Ul-Fitr(45%), weddings (8%). The most uncommon cultural celebrations were placed into a group called â€Å"other† which held 12% of the interviewed. FIGURE 1.0 answered the first research question, â€Å"How did the state of emergency impact on the on the culture of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago?† According to this figure, the allocated curfew and the ban of pyrotechnics during the state of emergency were mainly responsible for the cultural interruptions. FIGURE 2.0 described the effects of the state of emergency on family life. 67% of the respondents stated that the state of emergency had some impact on their family life whilst 33% stated that it did not. All of the responses pertaining to this figure dealt with the state of emergency’s associated curfew, even those who said that the state of emergency had no effects on their family life all stated that this was most likely because the curfew did not affect them. The other respondents were further broken up into two groups. Those whose families were affected positively (86%) and those who were affected negatively (14%). familiar problems whilst those who were affected positively said that the state of emergency’s curfew forced them to spend more time together. FIGURE 2.0 aided in answering the problem statement which was whether or not the state of emergency was beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad as well the first research question. FIGURE 3.0 showed the effects on business profits in Trinidad during the 2011 state of emergency. 25% of the interviewed claimed that their profits decreased by 100% while 22% claimed that their profits decreased by 70%. Another 21% claimed that their profits decreased by 50%, 10% said that their profits decreased by 20% and 19% said that their profits remained the same. Only 3% of the interviewed claimed to have an increase in business profits during the state of emergency 2011. These results were most likely due to the curfew and ban on pyrotechnics associated with the state of emergency. The ban on pyrotechnics would have greatly decreased the firework sales during the Divali and Eid seasons. The curfew would have affected the sales of night food vendors and night entertainment industry, decreasing sales. Some businesses probably altered their business hours preventing a drastic decrease in profits. FIGURE 3.0 answered the second research question â€Å"How did the state of emergency impact on the small local businesses in Trinidad?† FIGURE 4.0 showed the reasons for the decrease or increases in business profits during the state of emergency given by the surveyed. A dominating 84% of the interviewed stated that the restricted hours of the state of emergency was responsible for the loss in business. 12% stated that their products or skills were not required during the state of emergency causing a loss in business. On the other hand 4% of the interviewed said people spent less money on socializing during the state of emergency and were able to purchase their products. FIGURE 4.0 aided in answering the second research question. FIGURE 5.0 showed the effects of the state of emergency 2011 on businesses in present day and their opinions of the future. 79% of the interviewed said that their business returned to usual profits after the state of emergency had ended. 69% of these persons stated that the return of usual business profits was due to the return of regular business hours whilst 31% said that it was due to people feeling safer at night after the state of emergency, promoting their business. On the other hand 21% of the interviewed claimed that their business profits did not improve after the state of emergency. All of the interviewed simultaneously said that this was due to persons still recovering from the state of emergency thus, having less money to spend. The diagram also shows that 23% of the surveyed predicted that there would be an improvement in the business sector of Trinidad after the state of emergency, all of whom agreed that foreign companies would tend to invest in the economy since the crime situation has been stabalised by the state of emergency. However, the majority (77%) said that the state of emergency would not improve the business sector of Trinidad. 48% of which stated that the â€Å"drug kings† were released and continue to run the economy whilst 52% stated that the illegal importation of goods still exists making it tough for smaller businesses to make a profit. FIGURE 5.0 helps to answer the second research question. FIGURE 6.0 shows how safe persons felt during the state of emergency and after. During the state of emergency, 70% of the interviewed felt safer whilst 10% felt less safe. 20% said that they felt no change in safety during that state of emergency. This was most likely as a result of persons feeling safer due to the large number or arrests made during the state of emergency and the increase in police patrols. Other persons may have felt targeted and in danger of the police officers. After the state of emergency, 30% of the interviewed claimed that they felt safer, 53% felt no change in their safety whilst 17% felt less safe. Persons may have felt no difference in their safety after the state of emergency since the majority of the detained criminals were released due to a lack of evidence against them. Some may have felt safer due to the continued actions of the protective forces after the state of emergency and some may have felt less safe with the continued increase in gang activitie s after the state of emergency. FIGURE 6.0 aids in answering the third research question â€Å"How effective was the state of emergency in its efforts to crack down on crime?† FIGURE 7.0 shows the view of the interviewed on whether or not the government should have taken other measures to curb Trinidad’s crime problem other that the state of emergency. 42% of the interviewed agreed, 27% strongly agreed, 22% disagreed and 9% strongly disagreed. FIGURE 7.0 aids in answering the problem statement. FIGURE 8.0 shows the percentage of persons who thought the state of emergency was beneficial to them as citizens of Trinidad. 27% of the interviewed thought that the state of emergency was beneficial to them whilst 73% did not. FIGURE 8.0 answered the problem statement. The persons who agreed that state of emergency was not beneficial to them and that other measures should have been taken to cut criminal activity were possibly under the impression that the release of criminals after the state of emergency due to a lack of evidence did not help in eradicating crime but â€Å"bottling† it. The people agreed with the state of emergency and thought that it was beneficial to them were most likely appreciative of the large mass of narcotics and arms seized during the state of emergency as well as the few criminals who were further detained by the police. According to the data obtained, the majority of people were affected by the state of emergency culturally and financially. This was mainly as a result of the ban of pyrotechnics and the imposed curfew. The few exceptions were explained by persons who were obviously not affected by these impositions or those who altered their celebrations and business hours. The majority of people were not in favour of the state of emergency since it seemingly had no long term effect on the crime in Trinidad. A few felt unsafe, stating that they felt targeted by the police, some were indifferent and the others agreed with the state of emergency. They possibly saw the effects of the state of emergency to be successful and were grateful for the efforts taken by the government. DICSUSSION OF FINDINGS As seen from both the results of the questionnaire and the literature articles, the state of emergency in Trinidad (21st August- 5th December 2011) did have both negative and positive impacts on the lives of the citizens. According to FIGURE 1.0, the state of emergency definitely had a negative impact on two of the most popular religious festivals of Eid- Ul- Fitr and Divali which are very vital to the cultural identity of Trinidad. The interruptions were mainly due to the proposed curfew and ban of pyrotechnics. The interruption in such events would however not continue since the state of emergency ended on December 5th, 2011 and should not have a permanent destructive effect on culture. On the other hand FIGURE 2.0 showed that the state of emergency had mostly positive effects on family life as expressed in the Prime Minister’s State of Emergency Address, which could have potential long term positive effects on culture. Hence, if the state of emergency did have a prominent impact on culture, it would be mostly positive. According to FIGURE 3.0, during the state of emergency local business profits mainly decreased with less than 5% portion of the surveyed claiming to see an increase. FIGURE 4.0 explained these decreases in profits to be a result of forced the limited hours of business and the lack of desire for particular products and skills. The surveyed claimed their increase in business was mainly due the restricting curfew encouraging persons to spend less money on socializing and more money on their products. This data is similar to the statements made by economist Indera Sagewan- Alli who predicted that the state of emergency, mainly its curfew, would have a damaging impact on small businesses in Trinidad, harming economic growth. The Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ewart Williams however, had a different outlook on the state of emergency. He thought the severe crime situation to be hindering economic growth and saw the state of emergency, if successful, as an avenue to strengthen the business sector of the country. According to FIGURE 5.0 the majority of business profits had returned to normal and in other cases was still suffering from the state of emergency. Not one business saw an increase in business profits. The majority of the surveyed predicted no future increase in business profits since the bulk of alleged criminals had been released back into society. The majority of the obtained data did not support Mr. Williams’ statement. Hence, the state of emergency had a negative impact on the small businesses. The major aim of the state of emergency was to cut down on crime in Trinidad making it a safer home for the citizens. FIGURE 6.0 revealed that the mass of the sample felt safer during the state of emergency, which is most likely a result of mass numbers of alleged criminals detained and weapons seized during the state of emergency. However, after the state of emergency, the greater part of the sample said that they felt no difference in their safety which is most likely a result of the mass of detainees being released back into society. The Police Service Serious Crime Statistics showed no major decrease in criminal activity after the state of emergency nor did the general public feel safer. Hence, at this point in time the state of emergency had not had a major positive impact on crime. FIGURE 7.0 and FIGURE 8.0 showed that majority of the study thought the state of emergency to be non beneficial to them and would have preferred if other measures were taken by the government to curb the crime problem in. To date, there has not been a significant reduction in crime which was the main purpose of the state of emergency. The state of emergency did not only have positive but also negative impacts on the small businesses and culture of the people. In the case of this study, the state of emergency was not truly beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad. The research conducted therefore concludes that the state of emergency was a poor decision made by the government of Trinidad which had no real effect on criminal activities and hindered the financial and cultural lives of the citizens. Hopefully the research conducted would encourage people to take a closer look at the decisions made by their government and encourage the government to be more cautious when making decisions that could potentially disrupt the lives of a large number of people for the worse. Also, the findings may be used by other researchers who may to compare the direct impact of the state of emergency to that of the delayed impact of the state of emergency. CONCLUSION The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th) was beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad. The state of emergency negatively affected some of the most popular cultural celebrations in Trinidad. It was however not very lengthy and so its associated repercussions would not have had a permanent effect on culture. On the other hand, the state of emergency did benefit family life in most cases, strengthening the values of the institute family. Hence, the state of emergency 2011 had more of a positive impact on culture. The state of emergency had mainly a negative effect on small businesses which were mainly a result of the curfew. After its end, the majority of small businesses had gone back to their regular turnovers with a few exceptions. Not one business surveyed had an increase in business profits and the majority did not predict an increase since the event did not provide a significant decrease in the crime rate. Hence, the state of emergency was not beneficial to the majority of small businesses of Trinidad. Through my research, it can be concluded that the state of emergency was not beneficial to the majority of the citizens of Trinidad and other efforts such as the implementation of other laws with similar but less harsh repercussions to that of the state of emergency would be more advantageous to the citizens. LIMITATIONS Throughout my research, many limitations were encountered, reducing the accuracy of the study. Firstly, data collected by the means of questionnaires were collected from a sample limited to the town of Marabella a department of the city of San Fernando for easy accessibility. This means that only people in those areas were surveyed, and hence the entire population of San Fernando was not well represented and hence my research may only represent that portion of San Fernando. Also, my sources were very limited due to the fact that the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th 2011) was a very recent event and there were not many studies done were present. Hence, the search for appropriate resources was time consuming and difficult. Lastly, my domain was a very large one and could not be properly be represented by my sample size. Hence, the conclusion drawn may not fully represent the entire business community of Trinidad since the sample size was so small, making the conclusio n slightly biased. RECOMMENDATIONS With regard to the topic studied, a number of recommendations can be made: †¢The curfew of the state of emergency seemed to cause the majority of the problems and hence, if one were to occur again it should not be accompanied by a curfew to prevent negative cultural and economic consequences. †¢The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service should conduct more random yet regular patrols and raids, to cut down on the illegal trade of narcotics and murders. †¢The Anti- Gang Act 2011 and Bail Amendment Act 2011 which are both already- enacted legislations should be used more frequently. These legislations allow for the persons for up to 120 days without bail. Hence, it gives the police service more time to gather appropriate evidence to ensure prosecution of criminals. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anonymous. (2011, August 21st) Breaking news: State of emergency declared. Trinidad Express Newspapers. Retrieved January 15th, 2012 from, Anonymous. (2011, December 5th) State of emergency ends. C. News. Retrieved January 15th, 2012 from, Anonymous. (2012) Policed Service Serious Crime Statistics. Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Retrieved March 18th, 2012 from Bridglal, C. (2011, September 6th) State of emergency damaging to the economy. Trinidad Express Newspapers. Retrieved January 15th, 2012 from Richards, P. (2011, September 5th) Trinidad: State of emergency in more ways than one. Global Issues. Retrieved January 15th, 2011 from, /2011/09/05/11066 APPENDIX The questionnaire is for a school research project based on the State of Emergency 21st August- 5th December 2011 in Trinidad. All information will be kept in the strictest confidence. The researcher is grateful for the time and effort you take in completing the questionnaire below. Please tick the response most likely to be correct. (1)Did the recent state of emergency affect your usual cultural celebrations? 0 Yes 0 No (Move on to question four if your answer is no) (2)If yes, state the cultural celebration(s) that was/ were affected by the recent state of emergency. (3)How was/ were these celebration(s) affected by the state of emergency? (4)Do you think the state of emergency was worth the interruption in your usual celebrations? 0 Yes 0 No (5)Did the state of emergency have an impact on your family life? 0 Yes, negatively. 0Yes, positively. 0 No. (6)If you chose either â€Å"yes† option in the previous question, in what way did the state of emergency affect your family life? (7)Did the state of emergency have a negative impact on you financially? 0 Yes. 0 No. (8)If you answered yes in the previous question, how did the state of emergency affect you financially? (9) As a business owner, did your usual profits deplete during the state of emergency? 0 Yes (approx. 100%) 0 Yes (approx 20%) 0 Yes (approx. 70%) 0 No. 0 Yes (approx. 50%) 0 No. My profits increased by (9) What do you believe was the cause for your decline/ increase in business profits? (10)Since the end of the state of emergency, has your business returned to its usual profits? 0 Yes. 0 It has improved. 0 No. (11) If there is an improvement in your business, do you think it is due to the state of emergency? State why. 0 Yes. 0 No. (12) Government officials have predicted that there would be an overall improvement in the business sector of the country due to the recent state of emergency. Do you agree? State why. (13) Did you feel safer than usual during the state of emergency? State why. 0 Yes. 0 No. 0 No I felt more unsafe. (14) Do you feel safer now that the state of emergency has ended? 0 Yes I feel safer. 0 No. 0 No I feel more unsafe. (15) Do you think the state of emergency will improve the crime situation in the country in the long term? 0 Yes, it will improve. 0No, there will be no change. 0 No, it will deteriorate. (16)Explain your answer for the previous question? (17) Do you think the state of emergency was a solution to the crime problem of Trinidad? 0 Yes. 0No. (18)The government should have taken other measures to curb the crime problem. 0 I agree. 0 I disagree. 0 I strongly agree. 0 I strongly disagree. (19) Do you think the state of emergency was worth the problems faced by the citizens of Trinidad? 0 Yes. 0 No. (20)Was the state of emergency beneficial to you as a citizen of Trinidad? 0 Yes. 0 No.